Monday, April 7, 2014

No updates for a long time

Wow - it's been ages since I made any kind of post here. Not that anybody really reads these, but it's more for me.. I like to read back and look at what I was doing at a given time, thought process etc.. Anyway - the lack of updates was mostly because I haven't actually done anything noteworthy (ah... a musical pun...) in regards to my instruments in the last couple of years. Work/life etc all basically sucked up any time I had so unfortunately I've been neglecting things a bit. It did give me time to reflect on a few things:

A) I think I can officially label myself (even though I basically already knew the last 20+ years) as a 'Fender' or more specific a 'Stratocaster' Guy . I've had my Gibson Les Paul for a while now (wow - going on 3 years??), and I barely played it. It's a beautiful piece of work, and sounds good, but I just don't 'connect' with it... Comparing the shape etc to a Stratocaster I can't help but think that the Strat is a beautiful curvy woman, where as the Les Paul.. well.. it's like a woman who has got that big-booty thing going on and that's great... if you're into that... it's just not for me..

Another brand I have a soft spot for: Ibanez.. but that's probably because of my Jem...and for some reason I do really like their headstock design too..

B) I 'think' I figured out why I'm not usually a fan of rosewood.. It's not just the looks - I do prefer a lighter/maple neck. But after playing my bass and acoustic for a bit (both rosewood fretboard, and of course so does my les paul) and not spontaneously breaking out in hives, and some reflecting time I think my experience with rosewood was 'tainted' by that super crappy SG-like clone (see the guitar time-line post)I had way back when. That wood was so rough, smooth bends were practically impossible and I swear you could get splinters in your fingers if you tried! That's not to say I'm now going to swap everything to rosewood. I still think it's too porous and dark and a 'dirt magnet'.. BUT I probably will end up getting a Strat with rosewood just to add in some variety. As far as 'tone' difference. Whenever I've tried to play a maple vs rosewood back to back of the same guitar, I personally can't hear the difference so it all comes down to 'look & feel' to me and not tone.

That being said: I am starting a new 'build' project so I'll be posted a bit more frequently again.

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